Selasa, 29 September 2015

Basic Description Academic Writting

Everyday, Iwan is holding smarth phone. He always bring his smarth phone anytime and anywhere, usually he take or catch the picture using smarthphone. He is very happy because his phone have high specification so picture which take is good. And than he usually choosing good photo for print, or he outboard the photo at other social media.  He do that for increase his popularity so that he is not notdate.

6 komentar:

  1. can you give a title or topic in your writing?

    1. i am sorry, i forget make tittle to it,

    2. like this,

      Iwan is holding smarthphone everyday

      Everyday, Iwan is holding smarth phone. He always bring his smarth phone anytime and anywhere, usually he take or catch the picture using smarthphone. He is very happy because his phone have high specification so picture which take is good. And than he usually choosing good photo for print, or he outboard the photo at other social media. He do that for increase his popularity so that he is not notdate.

  2. I think you paragraph is will better if you added more story about iwan like his hobby or how many his follower know in his socmed :)

    1. because that's make he do that for increase his popularity so that he is not notdate. and his follower in socmed not still, some time may be change.

  3. Hay udin :D
    i want to ask you , you say that in his phone have high specification , can you tell me more about this ?
    thankyou :)
